F'sistema finanzjarja integrata bħas‑Suq Uniku tal‑UE hi meħtieġa koordinazzjoni qawwija tal‑politika biex tiġi żgurata l‑effiċjenza tal‑politika makroprudenzjali nazzjonali. Il‑miżuri nazzjonali huma ġġustifikati minħabba d‑diverġenza tar‑riskji ċikliċi u strutturali fl‑Istati Membri. Madankollu, il‑miżuri jista' jkollhom effetti ta' riperkussjonijiet fuq pajjiżi oħra (riperkussjonijiet esterni) u kultant jista' jkun hemm evażjoni min‑naħa ta' fergħat barranin u f'każi ta' self transkonfinali (riperkussjonijiet interni). Dan in‑nuqqas ta' reċiproċità jista' jwassal għal lakuni (leakages) minħabba l‑fatt li l‑miżuri nazzjonali ma jkunux applikabbli għal istituzzjonijiet li jipprovdu servizzi transkonfinali direttament jew permezz tal‑fergħat tagħhom.
Miżura ekwivalenti maħsuba apposta għall‑istess skopertura barranija ta' istituzzjonijiet awtorizzati lokalment għandha tiġi addottata legalment biex jiġu minimizzati lakuni regolatorji u effetti transkonfinali ta' miżuri tal‑politika makroprudenzjali ta' pajjiż ieħor.
Il‑Bord Ewropew dwar ir‑Riskju Sistemiku (ESRB) għandu rwol importanti ta' koordinazzjoni għall‑valutazzjoni ta' miżuri, diskussjoni ta' effetti transkonfinali u rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar miżuri riduttivi, inkluża r‑reċiproċità. Ir‑reċiproċità hi l‑mod li permezz tiegħu jistgħu jiġu żgurati l‑effiċjenza u l‑konsistenza tal‑politika makroprudenzjali lil hinn mill‑fruntieri fi ħdan l‑UE.
Bħalissa, talbiet għal reċiproċità minn Stati Membri tal-UE u Stati terzi rilevanti jintbagħtu lill‑ESRB. Wara li jirċievi t‑talbiet, l‑ESRB jagħmel valutazzjoni ta' dawn it‑talbiet u sussegwentement joħroġ rakkomandazzjonijiet lill‑awtoritajiet rilevanti dwar ir‑reċiproċità għal ċerti miżuri. F'dan l‑istadju, il‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta (minn hawn 'il quddiem imsejjaħ 'il‑Bank') jista' jikkonforma u jirreċiproka l‑miżura wara valutazzjoni interna. Jekk il‑Bank jiddeċiedi li ma jikkonformax, hu obbligat jispjega lill‑ESRB ir‑raġunijiet għan‑nuqqas ta' konformità.
Dokumenti Rilevanti
Lista ta' miżuri reċiprokati mill‑Bank wara rakkomandazzjoni tal‑ESRB skont ESRB/2015/2
Din il‑lista ta' miżuri tirreferi biss għar‑reċiproċità volontarja ta' miżuri meħuda mill‑Bank wara rakkomandazzjoni tal‑ESRB skont ESRB/2015/2 (kif emendata permezz ta' ESRB/2016/3). Miżuri li huma soġġetti għal reċiproċità obbligatorja skont il‑qafas leġiżlattiv CRDV/CRR2, inklużi, iżda mhux biss, l‑Artikoli 124 u 164 tar‑Regolament (UE) Nru 575/2013 li jimponu rekwiżiti direttament fuq l‑istituzzjonijiet, mhumiex imsemmija f'din il‑lista.
It-tabella t’hawn taħt tinkludi miżuri makroprudenzjali implimentati minn pajjiżi tal-UE u d-deċiżjoni ta’ reċiproċità adotta mill-Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta. Il-Bank iwettaq reviżjonijiet perjodiċi dwar l-iskoperturi ta’ istituzzjonijiet domestiċi għas-swieq relevanti u jemenda d-deċiżjoni meħuda minnu, jekk jitqies neċessarju.
Macroprudential measure
ESRB Recommendation date
Decision of the Central Bank of Malta
Belgium |
A 9% (to decline to 6% as from 1 April 2024) systemic risk buffer rate applied on all IRB retail exposures to natural persons secured by residential immovable property for which the collateral backing the loan is located in Belgium.
3 October 2023 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Belgian measure on the basis of inapplicability of the measure since all Maltese credit institutions use the standardized approach for the purposes of calculating their regulatory capital requirements. In addition, Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures to the Belgian real estate market.
Sweden |
A risk weight floor of 35% for certain corporate exposures secured by commercial properties and a risk weight floor of 25% for certain corporate exposures secured by residential properties located in Sweden to institutions using the IRB approach for calculating regulatory capital requirements.
6 July 2023 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Swedish measure on the basis that Maltese credit institutions do not make use of IRB models for the purpose of calculating regulatory capital requirements. In addition, Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures to the Swedish corporate sector.
Germany |
A 2% systemic risk buffer rate on (i) all IRB exposures secured by residential immovable property located in Germany, and (ii) all SA-based exposures fully and completely secured by residential immovable property, which is located in Germany.
2 June 2022 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the German measure on the basis that Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures secured by residential property, located in Germany.
The Netherlands |
A minimum average risk weight for exposures to natural persons secured by mortgages located in the Netherlands for credit institutions using the IRB approach for calculating regulatory capital requirements.
16 February 2022 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Dutch measure on the basis of inapplicability of the measure since all Maltese credit institutions use the standardized approach for the purpose of calculating their regulatory capital requirements. In addition Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures to the Dutch real estate market.
Lithuania |
A 2% systemic risk buffer rate for all retail exposures to natural persons in Lithuania that are secured by residential property.
16 February 2022 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Lithuanian measure on the basis that Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures to natural persons in Lithuania that are secured by residential property.
Norway |
The following 3 measures were implemented by Norway:
A 4.5% systemic risk buffer rate for exposures in Norway to all credit institutions authorised in Norway
A 20% average risk weight floor for residential real estate exposures in Norway to credit institutions, authorised in Norway, using the IRB approach
A 35% average risk weight floor for commercial real estate exposures in Norway to credit institutions, authorised in Norway, using the IRB approach
30 April 2021 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate Norwegian measures, given that Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures towards the mortgage market in Norway.
In addition, Maltese credit institutions do not make use of IRB models for the purpose of calculating their regulatory capital requirements.
Luxembourg |
Legally binding loan-to-value (LTV) limits for new mortgage loans on residential real estate located in Luxembourg, with different LTV limits applicable to different categories of borrowers
24 March 2021 |
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the measure implemented by Luxembourg, given that Maltese credit institutions do not have material exposures towards the mortgage market in Luxembourg.
Credit institution-specific minimum level of 25% for the average risk weight on the portfolio of residential mortgage loans secured by housing units in Sweden for banks using the IRB approach.
15 January 2019
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Swedish measure, given that Maltese credit institutions do not make use of IRB models for the purpose of calculating their regulatory capital requirements. In addition, Maltese credit institutions have no material exposures towards the Swedish mortgage market.
A tightening of the large exposure limit applicable to exposures to highly-indebted large non-financial corporations having their registered office in France to 5 per cent of eligible capital, applied to global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs) and other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) at the highest level of consolidation of their banking prudential perimeter.
5 December 2018
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the French measure, given that Maltese systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) have no material exposures towards the French highly indebted large non-financial corporations (NFCs) having their registered office in France.
A flat risk weight add-on of 5 percentage points and a proportionate add-on of 33 per cent of the exposure-weighted average of the risk-weights applied by IRB banks to the portfolio of retail exposures secured by immovable property situated in Belgium.
16 July 2018
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Belgian measure, given that Maltese credit institutions do not make use of IRB models for the purpose of calculating their regulatory capital requirements. In addition, Maltese credit institutions have no material exposures towards the Belgian mortgage market.
A credit institution-specific minimum level of 15% for the average risk weight on the portfolio of residential mortgage loans secured by housing units in Finland for banks using the IRB approach.
8 January 2018
The Central Bank of Malta has decided not to reciprocate the Finnish measure, given that Maltese credit institutions do not make use of IRB models for the purpose of calculating their regulatory capital requirements. In addition, Maltese credit institutions have no material exposures towards the Finnish mortgage market.
Din li ġejja hi lista tar‑rati tal‑bafer kontroċikliku tal-kapital (CCyB) rikonoxxuti mill‑Bank:
Din il‑lista ta' miżuri tirreferi biss għar‑rikonoxximent diskrezzjonali tar‑rati CCyB min‑naħa tal‑Bank. Din il‑lista ma tinkludix ir‑rati rikonoxxuti skont il‑qafas tar‑rikonoxximent obbligatorju tar‑rati CCyB sa 2.5% stabbiliti mill‑awtoritajiet maħtura ta' Stati Membri Ewropej oħra skont il‑qafas leġiżlattiv CRD IV/CRR. Dawn li ġejjin jirrigwardaw ir-rati CcyB rikonoxxuti mill-Bank:
- Rati ta' aktar minn 2.5% stabbiliti fi Stat Membru ieħor {bħalissa mhux stabbiliti}
- Rati stabbiliti f'pajjiż terz fejn ir‑rikonoxximent isir wara rakkomandazzjoni skont ESRB/2015/1 {bħalissa mhux stabbiliti}
Fir-rigward ta’ dawn tal-aħħar, il-Bank identifika r-Renju Unit, l-Emirati Għarab Magħquda u l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerka bħala pajjiżi terzi għal Malta għall-perjodu tat-tieni trimestru tal-2021 sat-tieni trimestru tal-2022. F’konformità mar-Rakkommandazzjoni tal-ESRB 2015/1 il-Bank ikkonkluda li r-rati CCyB stabbiliti għall-pajjiżi terzi msemmijin hawn fuq mill-awtoritajiet rispettivi tagħhom fil-livell attwali ta’ 0% huma xierqa. L-ESRB u l-banek li joperaw domestikament, ġew avżati kif xieraq.
Aġġornata l-aħħar: 9 ta' Mejju 2022