Economics Statistics

Indikaturi tal-ekonomija reali

Din it‑taqsima tinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta' statistika dwar prezzijiet u spejjeż, il‑kontabilità nazzjonali, is‑suq tax‑xogħol, it‑turiżmu u statistika makroekonomika oħra primarjament relatata mal-ekonomija Maltija. B'mod sintetiku, din l‑istatistika tippreżenta informazzjoni dwar l‑ekonomija, klassifikata skont prinċipji ekonomiċi. Din tipprovdi rekord komprensiv tal‑attivitajiet ekonomiċi ewlenin li jseħħu fi ħdan ekonomija, kif ukoll tal‑interazzjoni bejn il‑gruppi differenti ta' operaturi ekonomiċi.

  Kontabilità nazzjonali
Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Income and Expenditure Components (at current market prices)  
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Gross Domestic Product and Expenditure Components (volumes) 
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Tourist Departures by Nationality 
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  Statistika dwar is-suq tax-xogħol
Labour Market Indicators based on Administrative Records  
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Labour Market Indicators based on the Labour Force Survey  
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  Permessi għall-iżvilupp
Development Permits for Commercial, Social and Other Purposes 
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Development Permits for Dwellings, by Type  
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Property Prices Index based on Advertised Prices (base 2000=100)  
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Inflation Rates measured by the Retail Price Index (base 1946=100) 
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Main Categories of Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (base 2015=100)  
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Main Categories of the Retail Price Index (base Dec 2009=100) 
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  Kontabilità nazzjonali
Gross National Product by category of expenditure at current market prices (1982-2003) (Quarterly)
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Gross National Product by category of expenditure at current market prices (1954-2003) (Annual) 
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Gross National Product  by category of expenditure at constant 1995 market prices (1970-2002) (Annual) 
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Gross National Product  by category of expenditure at constant 1973 market prices (1954-1997) (Annual) 
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Factor income in GDP (1954-1989) (Annual) 
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Government expenditure (Nominal terms) 1954-1989 (Annual) 
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Sources of saving in the Maltese economy (1954-1989) (Annual) 
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Personal income and expenditure (1954-1989) (Annual) 
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Private consumption expenditure (1954-1989) (Annual) 
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Tourist arrivals (1960-2003) (Annual) 
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Tourist arrivals (1960-2004) (Monthly) 
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  Statistika dwar is-suq tax-xogħol
Labour market indicators based on administrative records (1960-2002) (Annual)
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Labour market indicators based on administrative records (1965-2002) (Monthly)
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  Permessi għall-iżvilupp
Development permits for commercial, social and other purposes (1994-2002) (Annual)
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Development permits for dwellings by type (1994-2002) (Annual)
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Retail Price Index (1975-2012) (Monthly)
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Main Categories of the Retail Price Index (1993-2003) (Monthly)
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  Pubblikazzjonijiet, sorsi u metodi relatati
European System of Accounts ESA 2010
European System of Accounts ESA 1995