Economics Statistics

Swieq monetarji, bankarji u finanzjarji

Din it‑taqsima fiha firxa wiesgħa ta' statistika u indikaturi monetarji, inkluż il‑kejl wiesa' tal‑provvista tal‑flus magħruf bħala "M3", kif ukoll il‑komponenti u l‑assi korrispondenti tiegħu. L‑aggregati monetarji u l‑kontropartijiet tagħhom jiġu kkalkulati mill‑karta tal‑bilanċ tat‑taqsima tal‑istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji monetarji (IFM). Tiġi inkluża wkoll statistika dwar rati ta' imgħax imħallsa u imposti mill‑IFM fin‑negozju tagħhom ma' individwi u intrapriżi, kif ukoll informazzjoni dwar istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji barra s‑settur tal‑IFM, inklużi fondi ta' investiment u korporazzjonijiet tal‑assigurazzjoni. Barra dan, f'din it‑taqsima hemm dejta dwar titoli ta' dejn u ishma kkwotati, inkluż ħruġ, fidi u ammonti pendenti, u indikaturi oħra tas‑suq finanzjarju.


Rapport Finanzjarju u Karta tal-Bilanċ tas-Settur tal-IFM

Financial Statement of the Central Bank of Malta (including historic data as from 1968)
(0kb - Last updated )
Balance Sheet of the Central Bank of Malta based on Statistical Principles
(0kb - Last updated )
Aggregated Balance Sheet of the Other Monetary Financial Institutions based on Statistical Principles
(94kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
  Aggregati monetarji u l‑kontropartijiet tagħhom
The Contribution of Resident MFIs to the Euro Area Monetary Aggregates
(94kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Monetary Aggregates and their Counterparts (1960 - 2007)
(306kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41) (Notes) 
  Depożiti miżmuma ma' IFM Oħrajn
Deposits held with Other Monetary Financial Institutions by Sector
(58kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Deposits held with Other Monetary Financial Institutions by Currency
(56kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Deposits held with all Banking Institutions (Jan 1991 - Sept 2003)
(66kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41) (Notes)  
  Self ta' IFM Oħrajn
Other Monetary Financial Institutions' Loans by Size Class
(47kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Other Monetary Financial Institutions' Loans to Residents of Malta by Economic Activity
(70kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Other Monetary Financial Institutions' Loans by Sector
(70kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Other Monetary Financial Institutions' Loans by Currency and Original Maturity to Residents of Malta
(68kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Currency Issued
(54kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Currency in Circulation (2000 - 2007)
(39kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Denominations of Euro Banknotes Allocated to Malta
(44kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Denominations of Euro Coins Issued by the Central Bank of Malta on behalf of the Treasury
(44kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Denominations of Maltese Currency Issued and Outstanding
(60kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Aggregated Statement of Assets and Liabilites - Investment Funds
(51kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Aggregated Statement of Assets and Liabilites - Insurance Corporations
(76kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Monetary Financial Institutions' Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans to Residents of Malta
(32kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Monetary Financial Institutions' Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans to Euro Area Residents
(32kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Key CBM, ECB and money market interest rates (including historic data 1997 - 2007)
(259kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Debt Securities, by Sector of Resident Issuers
(74kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Quoted Shares, by Sector of Resident Issuers
(66kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)


General Methodological Notes on historic data (25kb) 
Monetary Policy Operations of the Central Bank of Malta (1995 - 2007)
(40kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Aggregated balance sheet of Deposit Money Banks (Jan 1965 - Sep 2003)
(192kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Aggregated balance sheet of International Banking Institutions (Jan 1995 - Sep 2003)
(72kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Aggregated balance sheet of Other Banking Institutions (Jan 1969 - Dec 2000)
(173kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)  
Deposit Money Banks' loans outstanding by economic activity (Mar 1993 - Sep 2003)
(72kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41) 
International and Other Banking Institutions' loans outstanding by economic activity (Mar 1993 - Sep 2003)
(70kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41) 
Deposit Money Banks' loans outstanding by economic activity (Mar 1969 - Dec 1992)
(70kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
International and Other Banking Institutions' loans outstanding by economic activity (Dec 1970 - Dec 1992)
(70kb - Last updated Wednesday, June 22, 2022 07:41)
Monetary and Financial Statistics Metadata
Revisions to M3 and Other Counterparts of M3 (48kb)
Developments in the Central Bank of Malta's statistics (Money Market Funds, NACE Rev.2, Insurance Corporations) (417kb)
The Central Bank of Malta introduces harmonised statistics on securities issues (31kb)
The Central Bank of Malta introduces harmonised MFI interest rate statistics (36kb)
Bond markets and long-term interest rates in non-euro area Member States of the European Union - January 2008 (646kb)
Changes to monetary aggregates and counterparts to broad money (M3) post euro area entry (15kb)
Changes in the compilation of money and banking statistics in Malta (as from October 2003) (334kb)
List of Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) subject to statistical reporting requirements