21 ta' Jannar 2023
Kunċert tal-Ħamsa u Ħamsin Anniversarju tal-Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta
- Post:
Mediterranean Conference Centre
- Data Minn:
21/01/2023 19:30:00
- Data Sa:
21/01/2023 21:00:00
- Persuna għall-kuntatt:
Daniele Romano
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The Central Bank of Malta commemorated its 55th anniversary with a concert at the Mediterranean Conference Centre under the distinguished patronage of the President of Malta George Vella.
His Excellency George Vella, President of Malta and
Professor Edward Scicluna, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta
The orchestra was directed by Sergey Smbatyan, principal conductor of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO). Under the theme “A night at the movies” the musicians delighted the audience with a repertoire of movie themed classics music, including pieces by Vangelis, Beethoven, Zimmer and Strauss amongst others.
Carmine Lauri, The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra leader
Throughout its 55 years of history the Central Bank of Malta organised various concerts to mark its important milestones. Besides, the Bank partnership with the MPO which has been ongoing made this concert an ideal opportunity to celebrate this long-standing relationship with the orchestra and to promote the important role that music plays in Maltese culture and the significance of supporting local talent.
Daniele Romano, Chief Operations Officer – Central Bank of Malta, Sergey Smbatyan, principal conductor of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) and Professor Edward Scicluna, Governor – Central Bank of Malta
The concert was a great success, with the audience praising the performance of the MPO and the selection of music. The Central Bank of Malta’s 55th anniversary concert was a fitting tribute to the institution’s past achievements and a celebration of its future aspirations.
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra during the 55th Anniversary Concert of the Central Bank of Malta
(Photos: Melvin Bugeja)
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