Economics Statistics

Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS+)

The SDDS Plus builds on the SDDS, and its purpose is to assist statistically advanced countries with the publication of comprehensive, timely, and reliable economic and financial data in an environment of continuing economic and financial integration. In February 2012, the IMF Executive Board approved the establishment of the SDDS Plus to address data gaps revealed during the global crisis. The SDDS Plus is the highest tier in the Fund's Data Standards Initiatives and is open to all SDDS subscribers. In addition to the requirements under the SDDS, the SDDS Plus requires the dissemination of nine additional data categories and the availability of such information in SDMX format.

The SDDS Plus enhances the availability of timely and comprehensive statistics and therefore contributes to the pursuit of sound macroeconomic policies. The SDDS Plus prescribes qualitative requirements for the data disseminated (coverage, periodicity and timeliness) and practices that can enhance data accessibility by the public and the integrity and quality of the disseminated data.

Malta has adhered to the SDDS Plus as from 28th July 2023. The Maltese national indicators compliant with the SDDS Plus are published on the National Summary Data Page (NSDP). The NSDP is updated with the contribution of the national institutions that produce official statistics, namely, the Central Bank of Malta and National Statistics Office.

The related Advance Release Calendar, NSDP, metadata, and other information can be accessed from the Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board.