Financial Stability

Financial Stability Notifications and Consultations

Consultation on the proposed amendments to Central Bank of Malta Directive No. 11 on ‘Macro-prudential policy’ to transpose elements of the revised Capital Requirements Directive (CRD V) falling under the responsibility of the Central Bank of Malta:

21 December 2020 Notice on the consultation issued on 7 December 2020 regarding the proposed amendments to Directive No. 11 on ‘Macroprudential policy’ given the transposition of the revised Capital Requirements Directive
7 December 2020

Consultation on the proposed amendments to Directive No. 11 on ‘Macro-prudential policy'

Consultation on a revised methodology used for the identification of other systemically important institutions and the calibration of the related capital buffer, under Article 131 of the CRDV:

20 January 2020

Feedback statement on the revised methodology for the identification of other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) and the related capital buffer calibration

25 October 2019 Consultation on the revised methodology for the identification of other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) and the related capital buffer calibration

Consultation on the introduction of a proposed Directive on Borrower-Based Measures under the Central Bank of Malta Act (Cap. 204), following a recommendation by the Joint Financial Stability Board:

29 March 2019

Feedback Statement on the Regulation on Borrower-Based Measures

1 October 2018                             

Consultation on the Proposed Directive on Borrower-Based Measures

Draft Directive on the Regulation of Borrower-Based Measures

An amended version of the MFSA's Banking Rule 09 issued under the Banking Act 1994 is published by the Malta Financial Services Authority, following close cooperation with the Central Bank of Malta:

2 January 2017 Measures Addressing Credit Risks Arising from the Assessment of the Quality of Asset Portfolios of Credit Institutions Authorised under the Banking Act 1994

An amended version of the MFSA’s Banking Rule 09 issued under the Banking Act 1994 is being published for consultation by the Malta Financial Services Authority, following close cooperation with the Central Bank of Malta:

30 September 2016

Consultation on the proposed amendments to Banking Rule 9 ‘Measures addressing Credit Risks arising from the assessment of the quality of Asset Portfolios of Credit Institutions authorised under the Banking Act 1994'

Circular to Credit Institutions on the consultation on proposed amendments to Banking Rule 09 under the Banking Act 1994

Circular related to the consultation process on the proposed amendments to Banking Rule 09 under the Banking Act 1994 - Extension of Consultation Period 

Consultation on a revised methodology used for the identification of other systemically important institutions and the calibration of the related capital buffer, under Article 131 of the CRDIV:

22 December 2015 Feedback Statement on the methodology for the identification of other systemically important institutions and the related capital buffer calibration (248k)
5 November 2015 Consultation on the methodology for the identification of other systemically important institutions and the related capital buffer calibration (295k)

Regarding the treatment of central bank reserves for Liquidity Coverage Requirement (LCR) purposes, credit institutions shall be guided by the following ECB communication:

30 September 2015 Treatment of central bank reserves with regard to the Liquidity Coverage Requirement (LCR): Common understanding between the ECB and National Competent Authorities