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Publication of calendars of the Central Bank of Malta Members of the European Central Bank Governing Council and Supervisory Board

On this webpage, the Central Bank of Malta (CBM) discloses the calendars of its Members of the Governing Council and Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank (ECB). The publication of these calendars is in accordance with the obligation set in Article 8 of the Code of Conduct for high-level European Central Bank Officials, published in March 2019.

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Code of Conduct for high-level European Central Bank Officials, the CBM publishes the calendars of the Governor, as a member of the ECB's Governing Council, and of its representative on the Supervisory Board of the ECB.

This is aimed at ensuring maximum transparency of high-level ECB officials in their interaction with third parties. The calendars are released with a three-month lag.

The calendars include all planned and organised meetings, institutional meetings, lectures, conferences and events, as well as engagements with third parties (including the media), except where the disclosure of information may undermine the protection of public interest as recognised at EU and national levels.

To ensure the confidentiality of supervisory dialogue, meetings with supervised entities attended by Members performing specific supervisory tasks do not feature the name of the said entity or the topic discussed. 

Governor's Calendar                                Deputy Governor's Calendar                        
January 2019 January 2019