Economics Statistics

Financial accounts

This section includes the Financial Accounts dataset, which covers all institutional sectors of the resident economy and the 'rest of the world' sector split by financial instrument. Besides the outstanding amounts of financial assets and liabilities for the main institutional sectors, this section also includes "from-whom-to-whom" data. "From-whom-to-whom" data show the amount of financial assets and liabilities that each sector holds with other sectors. Quarterly Financial Accounts are in line with ESA 2010 and the ECB Guideline (recast) (ECB/2013/24).  


Non-consolidated financial accounts of the Maltese economy

Financial Assets (0kb - Last updated )

Liabilities (0kb - Last updated )

Non-consolidated financial assets and liabilities (from whom-to-whom) (0kb - Last updated ) 



Historical non-consolidated annual financial accounts statistics of the Maltese economy (for period 1995-2003) NEW

The Central Bank of Malta compiled such annual financial accounts statistics (for period 1995 – 2003) based on official statistics and estimates where such data was not readily available.  In this respect, such statistics are to be considered as ‘estimates’ and to be treated with caution.

Historical Financial Assets (0kb - Last updated )

Historical Liabilities (0kb - Last updated )

Historical Non-consolidated financial assets and liabilities (from whom-to-whom) (0kb - Last updated ) 

Interactive visual tool of Non-consolidated financial assets and liabilities (from whom-to-whom)


Related Publications, Sources and Methods

Sectoral financial linkages using Malta's Financial Accounts
Malta's Financial Accounts Sources and Methods (with focus on MIP Scoreboard indicators)

European System of Accounts ESA 2010