
Historic exchange rates

This section contains the historic exchange rates archive of the Central Bank of Malta which includes Lm/euro and Lm/ECU rates. The historic foreign exchange rates going as far back as 1918 are meant for research purposes only and thus should not be quoted as the official exchange rates.

Archive of Central Bank of Malta (CBM) Official Exchange Rates


This section contains CBM official exchange rates from 4 January 1999 to 31 December 2007.

CBM Middle Exchange Rates 1999 - 2003  (3.1mb)

CBM Middle Exchange Rates 2004 - 2007  (3.0mb)

CBM Middle Exchange Rates by Date

CBM Middle Exchange Rates by Currency

Historic official Lm/ECU (1990-1998) and Lm/EUR (1999-2007) rates

This section contains official statistics from January 1990 to December 2007. These include Lm/ECU rates as a proxy for Lm/euro rates for those periods when the euro was not yet introduced (i.e. from 1990 to 1998) and the Lm/euro market exchange rates from January 1999 (i.e. when the euro was introduced).

Monthly averages and end of month exchange rates (48kb - Last updated Wednesday, January 23, 2013)

Annual averages and end of year exchange rates (51kb - Last updated Wednesday, January 23, 2013)

Historic Exchange Rates for research purposes

These historic exchange rates are meant for research purposes only and should not be quoted as the official exchange rates.

Historic Exchange Rates 1918 - 1937 (2,066kb)

Historic Exchange Rates 1938 - 1957 (1,896kb)

Historic Exchange Rates 1958 - 1971 (up to 24 August) (2,084kb)

Historic Exchange Rates 1971 (as from 25 August) - 1998 (4,189kb)