Chapter 1 - The External Environment and the Euro Area
Key advanced economiesThe euro areaCommodities
Chapter 2 - Output and Employment
Potential output and Business Conditions IndexGross domestic product and industrial productionBusiness and consumer surveysThe labour market
Box 1: HFCS 2021 - Malta vs EA results comparison
Chapter 3 - Prices, Costs and Competitiveness
InflationThe housing marketCost indices
Chapter 4 - The Balance of Payments
The current accountTourism activity
Box 2: Analysing post COVID-19 air connectivity and the implications of a new national airline
The capital account
Chapter 5 - Government Finance
Quarterly developmentsHeadline and cyclically-adjusted developments
Chapter 6 - Monetary and Financial Developments
Monetary and financial conditionsLiquidity support measuresThe money marketThe capital market
Box 3: Transactions at point of sale in Malta between 2018 and 2022