
Quarterly Review

The Bank regularly analyses domestic and international economic and financial developments in its Quarterly Review, which is published four times a year. The Review often carries topical articles written by the Bank's staff. 

Quarterly reviews from December 1998 to December 1999 are also available in PDF format. If you wish to receive any of them via email, send your request via our Contact Us Form.

Quarterly Review 2024:1

Press Release QR Press Release
Full Report Full Report
Foreword Foreword

Chapter 1 - The External Environment and the Euro Area

Key advanced economies
The euro area

Chapter 1 - The External Environment and the Euro Area

Chapter 2 - Output and Employment

Potential output and Business Conditions Index
Gross domestic product and industrial production
Business and consumer surveys
The labour market

Box 1: HFCS 2021 - Malta vs EA results comparison

Chapter 2 - Output and Employment

Chapter 3 - Prices, Costs and Competitiveness

The housing market
Cost indices

Chapter 3 - Prices, Costs and Competitiveness

Chapter 4 - The Balance of Payments

The current account
Tourism activity

Box 2: Analysing post COVID-19 air connectivity and the implications of a new national airline

The capital account

Chapter 4 - The Balance of Payments

Chapter 5 - Government Finance

Quarterly developments
Headline and cyclically-adjusted developments

Chapter 5 - Government Finance

Chapter 6 - Monetary and Financial Developments

 Monetary and financial conditions
Liquidity support measures
The money market
The capital market

Box 3: Transactions at point of sale in Malta between 2018 and 2022

Chapter 6 - Monetary and Financial Developments