
News - News Releases 2016


Prize-giving ceremony for the design of a coin 'Mit-tfal b'Solidarjetà'

Her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta presided over a prize-giving ceremony of a competition organised by the Central Bank of Malta in collaboration with the Malta Community Chest Fund. The ceremony marks the first design of a social responsibility coin programme involving students in all secondary schools, with the theme: 'Mit-tfal b'Solidarjetà'. The winning design will be represented on a €2 commemorative coin to be issued by the Central Bank of Malta through coin cards and commemorative coin rolls and will be available for sale later this year. The proceeds from the sale of the coin cards will go to the Malta Community Chest Fund.

Professor Josef Bonnici, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta said that "the Central Bank of Malta is pleased to be associated with the Malta Community Chest Fund on the initiative, 'Mit-tfal b'Solidarjetà'. While the programme offers children the opportunity to express themselves artistically on the chosen themes, it also provides them with awareness towards the less fortunate members of society".

President Coleiro Preca thanked the Governor and the Central Bank of Malta for coming up with this initiative, for tying it to the theme of 'Love' and for involving the children in this process adding that "the fact that the Central Bank of Malta has asked children to visualize what love is for them is a strong statement, because children are our present and our future and they can lead us adults by example".

The President reiterated her appeal to the children to always love each other and "to always remind us adults that we should love each other, even if we may have different opinions at times. Our country can truly move forward and can truly provide you with a sound future if we all are united. It is when we harness the true meaning of the value of love, that we can then be able to harness other values such as the value of solidarity."

A total of 168 submissions were presented for this competition, which was also coordinated by the Ministry for Education and Employment. The winning design was submitted by Sarah Louise Cilia and the runners-up were Mia Gauci, Luana Zahra, Rachel Callus, Claria Cutajar. 

Prize-giving ceremony for the design of a coin 'Mit-tfal b'Solidarjetà'

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