
News - News Releases 2014


Central Bank of Malta staff members join forces for voluntary work at Dar Għabex

As part of the Bank's social commitment, a group of employees from the Central Bank of Malta participated in a charity event at Dar Għabex which is a shelter home for women. The initiative was held on Saturday 8 November 2014 and was coordinated by the Central Bank of Malta's Social Committee in collaboration with Aġenzija Appoġġ. Ten staff members joined forces to carry out work on the building consisting mainly of plastering and re-painting the main hallway. Materials and other related accessories used in the initiative were donated by the Bank. Moreover, a monetary donation, which was collected by staff members during another social activity, was presented to Dar Għabex. 

The objective of the event was to improve the quality of life at Dar Għabex. The contribution of the Central Bank of Malta volunteers was highly appreciated by Ms Ruth Agius, a senior official of Aġenzija Appoġġ who is responsible for running this home. The Governor of the Central Bank of Malta acknowledged the generous commitment of the Bank's staff and affirmed the Bank's continued support for such initiatives. 

This staff activity is part of a holistic social responsibility programme supported by the Central Bank of Malta, which includes regular blood donation activities and donations to charitable institutions, amongst others.

Charity event Dar Għabex - Monetary donation

Charity event Dar Għabex - Staff members

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