
News - News Releases 2014


Household Finance and Consumption Survey

The Central Bank of Malta will be conducting a second survey on the finance and consumption patterns of households (Household Finance and Consumption Survey - HFCS) between January and May 2014 as part of a Eurosystem project aimed at collecting detailed and harmonised statistical information from households throughout the euro area. The data gathered from a sample of selected households in Malta, as part of the project, will provide important insights into the financial characteristics of Maltese households, such as their consumption and saving patterns.

The Bank has commissioned a private company, Economic and Management Consultancy Services Ltd (EMCS), to carry out this survey. Representatives from that company will shortly be contacting a number of households inviting them to participate in the survey. The Bank strongly encourages households to participate in this project. All data provided to the company will be treated with strict confidence and will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (Cap. 440).

More information is available from the Central Bank of Malta website or by calling on 2550 4305/9/2/3, Mondays to Fridays between 08:00 and 16:00.

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