
Average exchange rates

This section contains monthly, quarterly and annual average exchange rates of the euro against the rates of the (a) European Member States and (b) other selected currencies.

As from January 2008, following the adoption of the euro, the average Maltese lira exchange rates have been discontinued. Instead the European Central Bank average euro foreign exchange reference rates are being published.

European Central Bank - Euro Foreign Exchange Reference Rates

The Maltese lira exchange rates against the euro for the period up to end December 2007 are found in the Central Bank of Malta Official Exchange Rates section below.

Euro Foreign Exchange Rates - Monthly Averages

European Union Member States Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Other Selected Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Euro Foreign Exchange Rates - Quarterly Averages

European Union Member States Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Other Selected Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Euro Foreign Exchange Rates - Annual Averages

European Union Member States Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Other Selected Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )


Central Bank of Malta Official Exchange Rates until 31 December 2007

Monthly averages against the Maltese Lira

European Union Member States Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Other Selected Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Annual averages against the Maltese Lira

European Union Member States Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

Other Selected Currencies
(0kb - Last updated )

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