
Articles & Boxes Pre-2015

Type Title Authors Date
QR 2014:3 - Article A new national accounts framework NSO 18 December 2014
QR 2014:3 - Box 5 A fiscal block for the Bank's structural macro-econometric model of the Maltese economy Owen Grech 18 December 2014
QR 2014:3 - Box 4 Residential property prices 18 December 2014
QR 2014:3 - Box 3 An evaluation of core inflation measures for Malta William Gatt 18 December 2014                          
QR 2014:3 - Box 2 Business and consumer surveys 18 December 2014
QR 2014:3 - Box 1 Tourism activity 18 December 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 6 Estimating the cyclically adjusted budget balance John Farrugia 12 September 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 5 Residential property prices
12 September 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 4 Communicating uncertainty – a fan chart for HICP projections William Gatt 12 September 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 3

Developments in Malta’s structural unemployment

Brian Micallef 12 September 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 2 Business and consumer surveys 12 September 2014
QR 2014:2 - Box 1

Tourism activity

12 September 2014
FSR 2013 - Box 5 The Credit Risk Threshold Model 28 August 2014
FSR 2013 - Box 4 Banking Rule 09 28 August 2014
FSR 2013 - Box 3 Bank Lending Survey Results 28 August 2014
FSR 2013 - Box 2 Developments in the Asset Quality Review and Stress Tests 28 August 2014
FSR 2013 - Box 1 An update of European Commission rules on State Aid to banks 28 August 2014
QR 2014:1 - Article Interest Rate Pass-Through in Malta Brian Micallef, Tiziana Gauci 20 June 2014
QR 2014:1 - Box 3 Residential Property Prices 20 June 2014
QR 2014:1 - Box 2 Business and Consumer Surveys 20 June 2014
QR 2014:1 - Box 1 Tourism Activity 20 June 2014
AR 2013 - Box 4 Merchandise Trade Developments in 2013 8 April 2014
AR 2013 - Box 3 Economic projections for 2014 and 2015 8 April 2014
AR 2013 - Box 2 Business and Consumer Surveys 8 April 2014
AR 2013 - Box 1 A new measure of household disposable income for Malta 8 April 2014
QR 2013:4 - Article Launching of Malta's Financial Accounts statistics Jesmond Pulè 21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 6 The demand for currency in Malta Aaron G. Grech 21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 5 Government's fiscal outlook: Budget 2014
21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 4 Residential Property Prices
21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 3 Assessing the supply side of the Maltese economy using a production function approach Aaron G. Grech 21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 2 Business and Consumer Surveys 21 February 2014
QR 2013:4 - Box 1 Tourism Activity 21 February 2014

Results of the 2014 Wage Dynamics Network for Malta
QR 2013:3 - Article Inflation Differentials between Malta and the Euro Area Brian Micallef 20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 6 ECB Estimation of sensitivity to House-Price & Interest Shock
20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 5 Household Finance & Consumption Survey: Malta vs Euroa Area Elaine Caruana Briffa 20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 4 Residential Property Prices 20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 3 Business and Consumer Surveys 20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 2 Estimating Okun's Law for Malta Brian Micallef 20 December 2013
QR 2013:3 - Box 1 Tourism Activity 20 December 2013
QR 2013:2 - Box 7  The Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the EMU Rita Schembri 18 September 2013               
QR 2013:2 - Box 6 Residential Property Prices 18 September 2013 
QR 2013:2 - Box 5 Measuring international price competitiveness of the tourism sector using real effective exchange rates indices Noel Rapa 18 September 2013
QR 2013:2 - Box 4 Estimating inflation persistence in Malta Reuben Ellul, Brian Micallef 18 September 2013
QR 2013:2 - Box 3 Business and Consumer Surveys 18 September 2013 
QR 2013:2 - Box 2 Tourism Activity 18 September 2013 
QR 2013:2 - Box 1 HFCS in Malta Karen Caruana, Christopher Pace 18 September 2013
FSR 2012 - Box 2 Bank Lending Survey Results 23 August 2013
FSR 2012 - Box 2 Single Supervisory Mechanism 23 August 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 6 Government's Fiscal Outlook: Budget 2013
18 June 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 5 Residential Property Prices 18 June 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 4 Labour market resilience in Malta Brian Micallef 18 June 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 3 Measuring the effects of structural reforms - A model-based analysis Brian Micallef 18 June 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 2 Business and Consumer Surveys 18 June 2013
QR 2013:1 - Box 1 Tourism Activity 18 June 2013

Household finance & consumption survey in Malta: Main results of 2010 exercise Karen Caruana, Christopher Pace 23 May 2013

A Structural Macro-econometric Model of the Maltese Economy

8 April 2013

FSR 2011 - Special Feature Methodology to Categorise Institutions for Financial Stability Purposes August 2012
FSR 2011 - Box 2 Non-core domestic banks and international banks August 2012
FSR 2011 - Box 1 Bank Lending Survey Results August 2012
FSR 2010 - Box 5 Payment Systems 2011
FSR 2010 - Box 4 The New Supervisory Architecture in the EU 2011
FSR 2010 - Box 3 2010 EU-Wide Stress Test Applied To The Rest Of The Banking System 2011
FSR 2010 - Box 2 Bank Lending Survey Results 2011
FSR 2010 - Box 1 Non-Systemically Important Banks 2011
FSR 2009 - Box 5 Financial Stability Monitoring 2010
FSR 2009 - Box 4 Measuring Credit Risk 2010
FSR 2009 - Box 3 Dynamic Provisions 2010
FSR 2009 - Box 2 Bank Lending Survey Results 2010
FSR 2009 - Box 1 Internationally-Oriented Banks 2010

Wage Dynamics Report - Malta
FSR 2008 - Box 4 Stress test analyses 2009
FSR 2008 - Box 3 Bank Lending Survey Results 2009
FSR 2008 - Box 2 Direct and indirect participation in TARGET2 2009
FSR 2008 - Box 1 International responses to the global financial crisis 2009