
Articles & Boxes

Type Title Authors Date
Outlook 2024:1 - Box 2 Developments and dynamics in goods and services inflation Maria Christine Saliba 20 August 2024
Outlook 2024:3 - Box 1 An analysis of food inflation in Malta over the last three years Tiziana Marie Gauci 20 August 2024
QR 2024:3 - Article Wealth distribution among Maltese households - Evidence from new distributional wealth accounts Warren Deguara, Janica Borg 5 August 2024
QR 2024:3 - Box 4 Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from maintenance period 1 to maintenance period 8 of 2023 Ritlen Abela 5 August 2024
QR 2024:3 - Box 3 The impact of mitigating climate change on Maltese firms Warren Deguara 5 August 2024
QR 2024:3 - Box 2 A profile of tenants and landlords, and their experiences in the Maltese rental market Tiziana Marie Gauci, Marie Briguglio, Brian Micallef 5 August 2024
QR 2024:3 - Box 1 An updated analysis of revisions to Maltese national accounts data Demi Mock, Nathaniel Debono 5 August 2024
CBM Business Dialogue 2024:3 - Box 1 Teleworking arrangements and its impact on firms' demand for office space Warren Deguara, Martina Cassar, Demi Mock 2 August 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 6      The systemic importance of O-SIIs in Malta Mariah Dimech, Brendon Cassar 16 July 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 5 Revisiting non-bank financial intermediation in Malta: A current financial stability overview Albert Sniec 16 July 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 4 Methodological update on the calculation of the liquid assets ratio for insurances and investment funds Luana Camilleri, Renan Dos Santos Carinha 16 July 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 3 The impact of the ECB's monetary policy tightening on deposits flows and interest margins Shaun Zaffarese 16 July 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 2 Update on the Bank Lending Survey Shaun Zaffarese 16 July 2024
FSR 2023 - Box 1 Measuring the credit gap for Maltese private corporations using the Hamilton filter Joanne Ciantar 16 July 2024
Outlook 2024: 2 - Box 2 Composition of government capital expenditure John Farrugia 10 June 2024
Outlook 2024: 2 - Box 1 Recent performance of goods exports Lynn Cumbo 10 June 2024
QR 2024:2 - Article Developments in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector Michaela Ghigo 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Article Access to finance in 2023 Sandra Zerafa 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Box 5 Overview of the financial assets and liabilities of the Maltese economy by institutional sector Kimberly Vatter, Janica Borg 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Box 4 Global oil price swings: Has their effect on Malta changed over time? Germano Ruisi 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Box 3 The impact of the recent rise in inflation on the purchasing power of lower income households in Malta Valentina Antonaroli, Ian Borg, Aaron Grech 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Box 2 Beyond the impact on employment: The fiscal implications of Malta’s tapering of benefits scheme Kurt Sant 17 May 2024
QR 2024:2 - Box 1 An introduction to the digital euro Silvio Vella 17 May 2024
AR 2023 - Box 4 The sustainability of Maltese government debt John Farrugia 29 April 2024
AR 2023 - Box 3 Sectoral contributions to aggregate labour productivity and ULC growth Martina Cassar 29 April 2024
AR 2023 - Box 2 Economic Projections 29 April 2024
AR 2023 - Box 1 Chronology of ECB Monetary Policy Decisions in 2023
29 April 2024
CBM Business Dialogue 2024:2 - Box 1 Insights on the potential impact of the inclusion of maritime transport into the European Union's emission trading scheme on firms' operations Warren Deguara, Erica Maria Brincat, Martina Cassar 23 April 2024
Outlook 2024:1 - Box 2 The composition of social benefits John Farrugia 13 February 2024
Outlook 2024:1 - Box 1 Recent developments in private consumption and forecast implications Maria Christine Saliba, Abigail Marie Rapa 13 February 2024
QR 2024:1 - Box 3 Transactions at point of sale in Malta between 2018 and 2022 Victoria Briffa, Silvienne Cassar, Kirsten Ellul 5 February 2024
QR 2024:1 - Box 2 Analysing post COVID-19 air connectivity and the implications of a new national airline Kurt Sant 5 February 2024
QR 2024:1 - Box 1 HFCS 2021 - Malta vs EA results comparison Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat 5 February 2024
CBM Business Dialogue 2024:1 - Box 1 Expectations vs Reality. How accurate are firms in predicting short term business conditions? Warren Deguara, Erica Maria Brincat 29 January 2024