
Articles & Boxes 2022

Type Title Authors Date
Outlook 2022:4 - Box 3 The impact of Budget 2023 targets on the Bank's fiscal projections John Farrugia 19 December 2022
Outlook 2022:4 - Box 2 Inflation developments in Malta compared with the euro area Abigail Marie Rapa 19 December 2022
Outlook 2022:4 - Box 1 Reviewing the energy block within the narrow inflation projection exercise Ian Borg 19 December 2022
Interim FSR 2022 - Special Feature Special Feature: The effect of rising interest rates on households’ mortgage repayment capabilities Christian Mamo, Shaun Zaffarese 12 December 2022
Research Bulletiin 2022 - Article Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Main findings from the 2020 wave Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat 2 December 2022
Research Bulletiin 2022 - Article A comparison between registered and advertised rents in Malta Brian Micallef, Tiziana Marie Gauci 2 December 2022
Research Bulletiin 2022 - Article The direct impact of the recovery and resilience facility fund in Malta Noel Rapa 2 December 2022
Research Bulletiin 2022 - Article Bayesian estimation of MEDSEA-FIN William Gatt Fenech 2 December 2022
QR 2022:4 - Article Developments in the information and communication sector Joanna Borg Caruana, Michaela Ghigo 16 November 2022
QR 2022:4 - Box 3 Transactions at point of sale (POS) terminals in Malta between 2017 and 2021 Victoria Briffa 16 November 2022
QR 2022:4 - Box 2 Excess demand for banknotes in Malta Brian Micallef, Tiziana Marie Gauci 16 November 2022
QR 2022:4 - Box 1 Constructing a new advertised house price index Erica Maria Brincat, Michaela Ghigo 16 November 2022
QR 2022:3 - Box 5 Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from maintenance period 1 to maintenance period 8 of 2021 Ritlen Abela 3 August 2022
QR 2022:3 - Box 4 Malta's long-term ageing expenditure forecasts - The impact of migration assumptions Aaron G. Grech 3 August 2022
QR 2022:3 - Box 3 Malta's climate-relevant fiscal measures Juergen Attard, Larissa Vella 3 August 2022
QR 2022:3 - Box 2 The economic effects of the COVID-19 tourism downturn Noel Rapa 3 August 2022
QR 2022:3 - Box 1 Merchandise trade between Malta and selected MENA countries (2011-2021) Ahmed Hnesh 3 August 2022
FSR 2021 - Box 4 Insights from the Central Bank of Malta survey on buffer usability Brendon Cassar, Jurgen Grima, Mariah Dimech 28 July 2022
FSR 2021 - Special Feature 2 Net stable funding ratio stress test Kirsten Abela 28 July 2022
FSR 2021 - Box 3 Treatment of debt securities in the macro stress testing's current climate-related adverse scenario David S. Law, Kirsten Abela 28 July 2022
FSR 2021 - Box 2 Review of current efforts for mitigating climate risk and related scenario design David S. Law, Kirsten Abela 28 July 2022
FSR 2021 - Box 1 Bank lending survey results 2021 Ariana Bartolo 28 July 2022
FSR 2021 - Special Feature 1 Assessing cyclical risks in Malta Christian Mamo, Andrew Spiteri 28 July 2022

QR 2022:2 - Box 4

The Fiscal Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Juergen Attard, John Farrugia 19 May 2022
QR 2022:2 - Box 3 Malta’s governance framework: Insights from international governance indicators Nathaniel Debono 19 May 2022
QR 2022:2 - Box 2 The characteristics associated with the short and long-term unemployed in the Maltese labour market Ian Borg, Rafael Fearne 19 May 2022
QR 2022:2 - Box 1 Business investment and investment finance in Malta – Evidence from the EIBIS 2021 Survey EIB 19 May 2022
AR 2021 - Box 6

The sustainability of Maltese Government debt

John Farrugia 27 April 2022
AR 2021 - Box 5 Economic Projections 27 April 2022
AR 2021 - Box 4 Sectoral contributions to aggregate labour productivity and ULC growth
27 April 2022
AR 2021 - Box 3 Advertised rents in Malta Brian Micallef, Tiziana Marie Rapa 27 April 2022
AR 2021 - Box 2 Overview of the financial assets and liabilities of the Maltese economy by institutional sector Kimberly Mamo, Janica Borg 27 April 2022
AR 2021 - Box 1 Access to Finance in 2021 Sandra Zerafa 27 April 2022
QR 2022:1 - Box 3

Exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Malta

Glenn Abela, Noel Rapa 3 February 2022
QR 2022:1 - Box 2

Trends in educational attainment in Malta

Tiziana Marie Gauci 3 February 2022
QR 2022:1 - Box 1 Mitigation measures, prevalence response and public mobility during the COVID-19 emergency Noel Rapa 3 February 2022