Publications & Research

Articles & Boxes 2018

Type Title Authors Date
QR 2018:4 - Article The Household Budgetary Survey 2015: Key findings on the expenditure patterns of households in Malta and Gozo Josianne Galea 13 November 2018
QR 2018:4 - Article The evolution of Malta's tourism product over recent years Silvio Attard 13 November 2018
QR 2018:4 - Box 1 Labour market flows in Malta Reuben Ellul 13 November 2018
FSR 2017: Box 4 Bank Lending Survey Results
10 August 2018
FSR 2017: Box 3 A Review of the Corporate Bond Market in Malta
10 August 2018
FSR 2017: Box 2 NFC Loans from Other Corporates – Evidence from Malta’s Financial Accounts Statistics
10 August 2018
FSR 2017: Box 1 EU-Policy Initiatives to Address Non-Performing Loans
10 August 2018
QR 2018:3 - Box 3 Determinants of labour productivity in Malta from a firm-level survey Brian Micallef 25 July 2018
QR 2018:3 - Box 2 Household expenditure in Malta and the RPI inflation basket Jude Darmanin 25 July 2018
QR 2018:3 - Box 1 Central Bank of Malta 50th Anniversary Conference Tiziana Gauci 25 July 2018
QR 2018:2 - Article Poverty, social exclusion and living conditions in Malta: An analysis using SILC Jude Darmanin 15 May 2018
QR 2018:2 - Box 2 Survey on Access to Finance (SAFE) in 2017 Sandra Zerafa 15 May 2018
QR 2018:2 - Box 1 Estimating fiscal multipliers from a structural model: An application of the fiscal extension to MEDSEA Noel Rapa 15 May 2018
AR 2017 - Box 4 The sustainability of Maltese government debt: 2018Q1 update John Farrugia, Owen Grech 10 April 2018
AR 2017 - Box 3 Economic Projections 2018:1 10 April 2018
AR 2017 - Box 2 Revisions in population projections and their implications for the growth of the Maltese economy Aaron G. Grech, Ian Borg 10 April 2018
AR 2017 - Box 1 A Financial Conditions Index for the Maltese economy Brian Micallef, Ian Borg 10 April 2018
QR 2018:1 - Box 3 The Macroeconomic Impact of Structural Reforms in the Energy Sector Noel Rapa 8 February 2018
QR 2018:1 - Box 2 Business Investment and Investment Finance in Malta - Evidence from the EIBIS 2017 Survey EIB 8 February 2018
QR 2018:1 - Box 1 Developments in the Manufacturing Sector Joanna Borg Caruana 8 February 2018