
Working Papers 2023

Working Paper Title Authors


07/23 The impact of Malta's tapering of benefits scheme on employment              Kurt Sant 20 December 2023
06/23 Financialisation of the Maltese household? Household debt dynamics, the mortgage market, and housing in Malta Dylan Cassar 14 November 2023
05/23 Household Finance and Consumption Survey: A comparison of the main results for Malta with the euro area Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat  6 November 2023
04/23 Global oil price swings: Has their effect on Malta changed over time? Germano Ruisi 10 October 2023
03/23 Wealth inequality and the distributional effects of maximum loan-to-value ratio policy William Gatt 31 August 2023
02/23 MaCGE-MOD - Malta's Computable General Equilibrium Model Ian P. Cassar, Nathaniel Debono, Stefano Deriu, Rosita Pretaroli, Noel Rapa, Francesca Severini, Claudio Socci 9 August 2023                              
01/23 Household Finance and Consumption Survey in Malta: Results from the Fourth Wave Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat 20 June 2023