Economics Statistics

Restricted Access

This section contains information on the forthcoming changes to the content and submission format related to the BR06 returns, as delivered by the Central Bank of Malta in the workshop held on 26 October 2021. These changes to the BR06 returns are applicable as from 15 April 2022 (i.e. for reference data for March 2022).

Proposed changes to the contents and submission of the BR06 returns
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Introducing INFOSTAT to the Financial Sector
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Operators' Manual - Registration process and uploading of data through the INFOSTAT portal
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MFI Returns - Jan 23 (NEW as from Q1 2023)
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MFI Returns - July 22 (Discontinued as from Q4 2022)
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MFI Returns - January 22 (Discontinued as from Q2 2022)
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MFI Returns - June 14 (Discontinued as from Q4 2021)
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Cube list + Data Dictionary - Description and Respective Schedule 
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Specimen Jun21 MFI Returns with colour coding (NEW)  
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Workshop BR06 held on October 2021
Workshop Presentation - BR06_FVC
Workshop Presentation - BR06_OFI
Workshop Recording - BR06_FVC (26 October 2021)                                                                     
Workshop Recording - BR06_OFI (26 October 2021)


Seminar held on 16.03.21 on the Amending ECB Regulation on Payments Statistics and Other Matters – Presentations
Conceptual Issues on the current and proposed reporting of Payment Statistics
Central Bank Euro Payment Services to the Financial Industry
Non-EUR Template & Amended Fraud Template
The amending Regulation ECB 2020/59 on payment statistics and the proposed new ECB’s PAY Guideline
FINAL ECB Manual on payment statistics
Questions and Answers on new PSS requirements