
All Publications & Research 2023

Type Title Authors


Economic Update 12/2023 Central Bank of Malta 27 December 2023
WP/07/2023 The impact of Malta's tapering of benefits scheme on employment Kurt Sant 20 December 2023
Outlook 2023:4 - Box 2 The impact of Budget 2024 targets on the Bank's fiscal projections John Farrugia, Kurt Sant 15 December 2023
Outlook 2023:4 - Box 1 The effect of a rise in minimum wages on average wage growth Abigail Marie Rapa 15 December 2023
Outlook for the Maltese Economy 2023:4 Central Bank of Malta 15 December 2023
Economic Update 11/2023 Central Bank of Malta 28 November 2023
Interim FSR 2023 - Special Feature A measure of the credit gap for Malta William Gatt Fenech 27 November 2023
Interim FSR 2023 - Box 3 Revisiting the methodology for selecting domestically-relevant insurance companies Luana Camilleri 27 November 2023
Interim FSR 2023 - Box 2 An overview of bank regulatory requirements Jurgen Grima, Paul Giordmaina 27 November 2023
Interim FSR 2023 - Box 1 Revisiting climate-sensitive exposures of holding companies Joanne Ciantar, Stefan Scerri 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin - Article A multi-country multi-sector DSGE model with environmental features Massimo Giovannini 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin - Article MEDSEA-NRG - Modelling the energy sector in Malta Noel Rapa 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin - Article Real-time consideration of systematic patterns in Maltese GDP data and revisions Nathaniel Debono 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin - Article Global oil price swings: Has their effect on Malta changed over time? Germano Ruisi 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin - Article The use of Facebook's Marketplace for advertised listings of rental properties in Malta Brian Micallef, Sarah Spiteri 27 November 2023
Research Bulletin 2023 Central Bank of Malta 24 November 2023
Interim Financial Stability Report 2023 Central Bank of Malta 24 November 2023
WP/06/2023 Financialisation of the Maltese household? Household debt dynamics, the mortgage market, and housing in Malta Dylan Cassar 14 November 2023
QR 2023:4 - Box 4 ATM cash withdrawals in 2022 Kirsten Ellul, Victoria Briffa 9 November 2023
QR 2023:4 - Box 3 The household-level impacts of the COVID-19 wage supplement scheme Glenn Abela 9 November 2023
QR 2023:4 - Box 2 Recent developments in UK trade with the EU and Malta Ahmed Hnesh 9 November 2023
QR 2023:4 - Box 1 Estimating labour turnover in the Maltese economy using administrative data Aaron G. Grech 9 November 2023
Quarterly Review 2023:4 Central Bank of Malta 9 November 2023
WP/05/2023 Household Finance and Consumption Survey: A comparison of the main results for Malta with the euro area Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat 6 November 2023
Economic Update 10/2023 Central Bank of Malta 31 October 2023
Business Dialogue 2023:4 Central Bank of Malta 20 October 2023
WP/04/2023 Global oil price swings: Has their effect on Malta changed over time? Germano Ruisi 10 October 2023
Economic Update 09/2023 Central Bank of Malta 29 September 2023
WP/03/2023 Wealth inequality and the distributional effects of maximum loan-to-value ratio policy William Gatt 31 August 2023
Economic Update 08/2023 Central Bank of Malta 29 August 2023
Outlook 2023:3 - Box 2 Recent developments in profits and forecast implications Ian Borg 24 August 2023
Outlook 2023:3 - Box 1 Are prices stickier than usual? An update of inflation persistence estimates and forecast implications Ian Borg 24 August 2023
Outlook for the Maltese Economy 2023:3 Central Bank of Malta 24 August 2023
WP/02/2023 MaCGE-MOD - Malta's Computable General Equilibrium Model Nathaniel Debono, Noel Rapa, Ian P. Cassar, Stefano Deriu, Rosita Petaroli,  Francesca Severini, Claudio Socci 9 August 2023
QR 2023:3 - Box 3 Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from maintenance period 1 to maintenance period 8 of 2022 Ritlen Abela 2 August 2023
QR 2023:3 - Box 2 Support measures and their impact on public finances John Farrugia 2 August 2023
QR 2023:3 - Box 1 Household wealth in Malta - Evidence from the latest wave of the HFCS Aleandra Muscat, Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara 2 August 2023
Quarterly Review 2023:3 Central Bank of Malta 2 August 2023
Economic Update 07/2023 Central Bank of Malta 28 July 2023
Business Dialogue 2023:3 Central Bank of Malta 27 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 7 Implementation of a sectoral systemic risk buffer for Malta Dominique Tanti 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 6 Experimental and analytical climate change-related indicators for the financial sector in Malta Gabriele Lentini, Krisztina Dekany 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 5 Assessing the vulnerability of Maltese indebted households to inflation and interest rate shocks based on the household stress testing framework Ian Debattista, Christine Balzan 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 4 IFRS 9 Classification of bonds David Stephen Law, Christine Balzan 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 3 Expected credit loss model Ashleigh Neill, David Stephen Law 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 2 Bank Lending Survey Results Christian Mamo, Shaun Zaffarese 26 July 2023
FSR 2022 - Box 1 A cyclical systemic risk indicator for Malta Sarah Vella 26 July 2023
Financial Stability Report 2022 Central Bank of Malta 25 July 2023
Policy Note 02/2023 The extent of labour turnover in Malta Aaron G. Grech 12 July 2023
Economic Update 06/2023 Central Bank of Malta 28 June 2023
WP/01/2023 Household Finance and Consumption Survey in Malta: Results from the Fourth Wave Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara, Aleandra Muscat 20 June 2023
Outlook 2023:2 - Box 2 The composition of government subsidies John Farrugia 16 June 2023
Outlook 2023:2 - Box 1 The recent interest-rate pass-through from monetary policy rates to Malta's retail lending rates, and the impact on GDP growth and inflation Ian Borg, Martina Cassar 16 June 2023
Outlook for the Maltese Economy 2023:2 Central Bank of Malta 16 June 2023
Economic Update 05/2023 Central Bank of Malta 30 May 2023
QR 2023:2 - Article Women in the labour market Joanna Borg Caruana 12 May 2023
QR 2023:2 - Box 3 Global oil price swings and shipping disruptions: Do they matter for Malta? Germano Ruisi 12 May 2023
QR 2023:2 - Box 2 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households' finances in Malta Aleandra Muscat, Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara 12 May 2023
QR 2023:2 - Box 1 Does COVID-19 necessitate a reassassment of the economic impact of the rising pension age in Malta? Aaron G. Grech 12 May 2023
Quarterly Review 2023:2 Central Bank of Malta 12 May 2023
Economic Update 04/2023 Central Bank of Malta 28 April 2023
Business Dialogue 2023:2 Central Bank of Malta 27 April 2023
AR 2022 - Box 5 The sustainability of Maltese government debt John Farrugia 20 April 2023
AR 2022 - Box 4 Sectoral contributions to aggregate labour productivity and ULC growth Martina Cassar 20 April 2023
AR 2022 - Box 3 Economic Projections Central Bank of Malta 20 April 2023
AR 2022 - Box 2 Overview of the financial assets and liabilities of the Maltese economy by institutional sector  Kimberley Vatter, Janica Borg 20 April 2023
AR 2022 - Box 1 Access to Finance in 2022 Sandra Zerafa 20 April 2023
Annual Report 2022 Central Bank of Malta 20 April 2023
Economic Update 03/2023 Central Bank of Malta 30 March 2023
Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Report 2023 Central Bank of Malta 27 March 2023
Policy Note 01/2023 Labour and skill shortages in Malta – Have these been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? Ian Borg 21 March 2023
Economic Update 02/2023 Central Bank of Malta 1 March 2023
Outlook 2023:1 - Box 2 Increasing tightness in the Maltese labour market Rafael Fearne, Lynn Cumbo 27 February 2023
Outlook 2023:1 - Box 1 Latest estimates of the NAIRU Ian Borg 27 February 2023
Outlook for the Maltese Economy 2023:1 Central Bank of Malta 16 February 2023
QR 2023:1 - Article Developments in the logistics sector Sandra Zerafa, Joanna Borg Caruana, Annaliese Mifsud 13 February 2023
QR 2023:1 - Box 2 Household income, wealth, and saving patterns in Malta William Gatt Fenech 13 February 2023
QR 2023:1 - Box 1 The contribution of the construction and real estate sector in Malta Ian Borg, Noel Rapa 13 February 2023
Quarterly Review 2023:1 Central Bank of Malta 9 February 2023
Economic Update 01/2023 Central Bank of Malta 30 January 2023
Business Dialogue 2023:1 Central Bank of Malta 26 January 2023