
All Publications & Research 2020

Type Title Authors Date
WP/08/2020 A sectoral model extension to STREAM Noel Rapa 25 November 2020
Research Bulletin - Article Housing demand shocks, foreign labour inflows and consumption William Gatt Fenech, Germano Ruisi 23 November 2020
Research Bulletin - Article Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2017: A comparison of the main results for Malta with other participating countries Valentina Antonaroli, Warren Deguara 23 November 2020
Research Bulletin - Article A sectoral model extension to STREAM Noel Rapa 23 November 2020
Research Bulletin - Article A hedonic index for private sector rents in Malta Nathaniel Debono, Reuben Ellul, Brian Micallef 23 November 2020
QR 2020:4 - Article Developments in the transportation and storage sector Roberta Montebello 12 November 2020
QR 2020:4 - Box 3 ATM cash withdrawals in Malta - 2019 Charles Saliba, Victoria Briffa 12 November 2020
QR 2020:4 - Box 2 The tourism sector during COVID-19: 2020, Quarter 2 Roberta Montebello 12 November 2020
QR 2020: 4 - Box 1 Supply-side decomposition of economic growth in EU countries: A historical perspective Brian Micallef 12 November 2020
Policy Note 03/2020 An analysis of recent developments in Malta's air connectivity Kurt Sant 11 November 2020
WP/07/2020 Housing demand shocks, foreign labour inflows and consumption William Gatt, Germano Ruisi 29 October 2020
WP/06/2020 An assessment of the macroeconomic implications of foreign and domestic labour supply shocks in Malta Germano Ruisi 12 October 2020
Policy Note 02/2020 Long-term housing rentals in Malta: A look at advertised listings Reuben Ellul 17 September 2020
FSR 2019 - Special Feature COVID-19 - Aspects of Financial Sector Resilience Wendy Zammit, Andrew Spiteri 27 August 2020
WP/05/2020 Household Finance and Consumption Survey - A comparison of the main results for Malta with the euro area  Silvio Attard, Warren Deguara, Valentina Antonaroli 29 July 2020
QR 2020:3 - Box 3

A comparison between the symmetric input-output tables compiled by the NSO and the World Input Output Database

Ian P. Cassar 24 July 2020
QR 2020:3 - Box 2 Early exit from the labour force in Malta – The impact of pension age increases Aaron G. Grech 24 July 2020
QR 2020:3 - Box 1 An analysis of the shadow economy in Malta Tiziana Marie Gauci 24 July 2020
WP/04/2020 MEDSEA-FIN - A DSGE model of the Maltese economy with housing and financial frictions William Gatt, Noel Rapa, Luca Brugnolini 18 May 2020
QR 2020:2 - Box 3 Updated estimates of inflation persistence in Malta  Reuben Ellul, Brian Micallef 18 May 2020
QR 2020:2 - Box 2 Wealth effects on consumption in Malta: Evidence from household level data Ilias Georgakopoulos 18 May 2020
QR 2020:2 - Box 1

Business Investment and Investment Finance in Malta – Evidence from the EIBIS 2019 survey

EIB 18 May 2020
WP/03/2020 The rental sector and the housing block in STREAM Brian Micallef, Nathaniel Debono 18 May 2020
WP/02/2020 An analysis of the shadow economy in Malta: A currency demand and MIMIC model approach Tiziana Marie Gauci, Noel Rapa 6 May 2020
WP/01/2020 Analysis of the Payment Habits Survey in Malta Charles Saliba, Mary Ann Muscat 3 March 2020
Policy Note 01/2020 The ageing of the Maltese workforce and the impact of pension age changes Aaron G. Grech 28 February 2020

Understanding bonds: A basic guide for investors

An introductory overview of the bond market

Alistair Borg, Kane Cortis, Therese Lethridge, Kimberley Charlie Mifsud, Alan Psaila 21 February 2020
QR 2020:1 - Box 3 Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from maintenance period 1 to maintenance period 5 of 2019 Ritlen Abela, Nathan Chatland 11 February 2020
QR 2020:1 - Box 2 A cross-sectional saving profile of Maltese households Glenn Abela, William Gatt Fenech 11 February 2020
QR 2020:1 - Box 1 The European Commission's business and consumer surveys and Maltese macroeconomic trends Sandra Zerafa, Aaron G. Grech 11 February 2020