
News - Web Releases 2018


Public Consultation on the amendments to the Trading Licences Regulations

A public consultation, commencing from Tuesday 8 May 2018 till Tuesday 22 May 2018 (c.o.b.), is being launched by the Central Bank of Malta on the amendments to the Trading Licences Regulations (S.L. 441.07) (hereinafter 'the Regulations'). These amendments will be introducing a licensing regime for credit reference agencies operating in Malta, and will lay down the procedure to be followed by an applicant.

The Public Consultation Paper including the proposed amendments to the Regulations is found here.

During this consultation period, interested parties are therefore invited to comment on the amendments made to the Regulations by not later than Tuesday 22 May, 2018 (c.o.b.). The Central Bank of Malta will give due consideration to all the comments received during the public consultation exercise.

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