Economics Statistics

External Statistics (BOP/IIP, Reserves, Trade, External Debt)

This section comprises a range of statistics on the main transactions between residents and non-residents of Malta. These transactions are shown in Malta's balance of payments statement. In addition, the section comprises statistics on Malta's external trade, international reserves and foreign currency liquidity, and statistics on the international investment position (i.i.p.), which provides an overall picture of Malta's claims on and liabilities to the rest of the world. The section also comprises statistics on Malta's gross and net external debt. 

  Balance of Payments/International Investment Position Statistics
Balance of Payments - Current and Capital Accounts (transactions)
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Balance of Payments - Financial Accounts (transactions)
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International Investment Position (IIP)
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Interactive visual tool comparing Malta's statistics with other related Euro Area statistics:

Current Account

Financial Account

International Investment Position

  External Trade (in goods)
Malta's Foreign Trade
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Imports by Broad Economic Categories
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Direction of Trade - Exports
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Direction of Trade - Imports
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Trade by Major Commodity Groups - Exports
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Trade by Major Commodity Groups - Imports
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  International Reserves 
  Official Reserve Assets
  Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity Data (EUR & USD)

Interactive visual tool comparing Malta's statistics with other related Euro Area statistics:

Reserve Assets

  External Debt
Gross external debt by sector, maturity and instrument
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Net external debt by sector, maturity and instrument
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Interactive visual tool comparing Malta's statistics with other related Euro Area statistics:

External Debt

  Related Publications, Sources and Methods 
Ad hoc revisions to Malta's BOP and IIP statistics published by the NSO in June 2023 
  External Statistics Metadata
  Official Reserve Assets - Methodological Notes
  Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity - Methodological Notes
External Debt Statistics - Methodological Notes
European Union Balance of Payments/International Investment Position statistical methods